5 DIY Tips for Clearing Clogged Drains in Your Home

A clogged drain can be a real nuisance, especially if the sink in which the clog occurs gets a lot of use. And it can be an even bigger problem if it leads to serious plumbing issues that result in expensive repairs and replacement of pipes. Moreover, there are many things that can cause plumbing issues – from putting large food scraps down the drain to a slow build up of debris. Sometimes you don’t even notice that your drain is becoming clogged until one day the water doesn’t go down the drain as smoothly as it did. Here are five DIY tips for clearing clogged drains in your home.

  1. You can use a plunger for sinks. Most people reserve their plungers for their toilets, but the truth is that a plunger can also be used for sinks as well. While you may not want to use the same plunger that you use for your toilets, especially for the kitchen sink, a separate plunger can be handy to have on the side. The suction force that plungers offer can be used to remove large clogs that are closer to the top of the pipe.
  2. Never disassemble pipes if you don’t know how to put them back together again. Many people make the mistake of disassembling their pipes with the intention of removing the clog and then screwing the pipes back, but it is not that easy. Some pipes have special washers and lining that can be damaged if you don’t know what you are doing. So, make sure to call a professional plumber before you dismantle anything. Oftentimes, pipes don’t need to be taken apart – unless of course you are preparing them for theĀ hydro jetting process.
  3. Find the local clean out plugs in your home. Your home’s sewage system will have two or three major pipes that go out towards the city’s sewage system. First, though, items traveling through your drainage system will enter the cleanout plugs. Sometimes your home can experience a major clog in these areas, so they must be emptied and cleaned. You can usually find the cleanout plug in your basement. All you need to do is unscrew it and be prepared to get dirty.
  4. Never put any tools down your drain that can damage your pipes or make the clog worse. Many people try to fix their clogged drains by literally trying to push the clog back down. However, this can be extremely detrimental, because it could not only push the clog into a more precarious place; it could actually rupture or crack one of the pipes.
  5. Prevent clogs in the future. If you want to prevent clogs in the future, you want to make sure that you don’t place any large items down the drain. You also want to place cooking grease in a plastic bag and then throw the bag away. You also want to keep hair and other detritus away from shower and bathroom sink drains. In the end, taking preventative measures is the best way to avoid clogs.

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